Vivien Clere Green This blog is to inspire those who wish to have happy and healthy lives.

Phillip Day, campaigner for truth in medicine, is a man fearless about getting accurate and truthful information out to the public. He speaks openly and plainly on contentious issues enabling the general public to make wise health decisions. His courage and activities through Credence publications have helped countless millions of people regain their health and wellbeing.

Do you admire and respect people who talk the talk and walk the walk?

Well, Phillip Day and his wife, Sam, are two such people. When it came to bringing their baby into the world, they sought the truth. Sam did not want to treat childbirth as an illness and give birth in a clinical hospital environment. Even though she was technically in the "high risk" category (she had tipped the scales age-wise and it was her first baby), she did not doubt herself or the strength of her convictions.

As always when you follow your intuition, circumstances occur to help you. She was at a talk I gave on my book Wellness our Birthright, How to Give a Baby the Best Start in Life, when Phillip and I were speaking in Malta last year. Sam said this book gave her the information to support her own intuition, resulting in Anna being born as nature intended, at home without any intervention whatsoever. Consequently bonding with her baby was a given. Now Phillip is helping others to gain the truth in this area too and is promoting my book on his tours and in his forthcoming Australian tour.

Share this information with others so they too can have access to truths that enable people to be happier and healthier. To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is now an open forum for questions on pregnancy and early motherhood.

Do you have any questions about pregnancy and early motherhood that you would like me to answer? I am inviting you to send in any questions that you need answered.

It seems to me that there is so much information "out there" yet people are more confused than ever. So I am offering this to be a blog forum for anyone’s questions and I will answer them as they come up on the blog. This way others will benefit from your questions and it will help dispel some of the confusion.

It was for this reason that I wrote Wellness our Birthright How to Give a Baby the Best Start for Life but there are still more questions!

Let’s look at today’s question from Anna in Essex:

Q. Do I have to be concerned about the cleaning sprays I use at home? My baby’s breathing seems disturbed when I use air fresheners after changing her nappy? (Anna)

A. It’s interesting that you should raise this question, Anna, because recent medical research, from the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, quoted a study that said 15% of asthma cases were caused by cleaning sprays, air fresheners, furniture and glass cleaners. As mothers, we want to make our homes clean and pleasant to live in but we can, unknowingly, use harmful chemicals. So avoid using products like these and find safer alternatives.

Help your baby experience fresh, natural smells, rather than synthetic ones that can disturb the delicate nasal linings. Raise your own level of awareness too!

Today’s Tip: Allow fresh air to circulate in your home daily. If there are any unpleasant smells after changing the baby’s nappy, open a window for a few moments or use an essential oil burner.

To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is about raising our awareness and understanding our programming.

Why do we need to use fresh food when we can buy it ready prepared?

These days, we all tend to live busy hectic lives and look for a quick solution when it comes to eating. We do not plan ahead and just grab something when hunger pangs arise. The food industry has made it even easier, with ready prepared food easily available in many different ways.

So why bother to use fresh food?

There are 3 key reasons:

1. Fresh food helps to prevent colds and infections, especially during the winter months.

2. Fresh food helps to prevent all forms of illness and disease.

3. Fresh food helps to increase vitality and energy levels.

Food is our fuel and putting in an inferior grade means that we function at a reduced level.

Is this what we want for our new born babies and young children? Do we really want them to suffer unnecessary ill health and grow up with poor levels of vitality?

No of course not! Yet unwittingly this is what we are giving our children when we don’t wean them on fresh food. Babies and young children are innocent beings, they eat whatever they are given. Thus begins their life time eating habits.

Help your baby experience the taste, texture and smell of fresh fruit and vegetables, both raw and cooked. Plan ahead and buy in some fruit and let it ripen for a day or two before you need it. Raise your level of awareness and wean your baby on fresh foods!

Today’s Tip: Cook fresh vegetables for your baby and freeze small amounts in an ice-cube tray. You can defrost this quickly when you are in a hurry.

To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is about raising our awareness and understanding our programming.

Childhood obesity is a reality and increasing at an alarming rate.

In my last post I outlined simple steps to help prevent this but we also have to remember that if we are to change the way we eat, we need to understand the way we think effects our results.

As thoughts come and go into our minds, we can choose whether we stay with each thought or let it go. The key is to be aware of this ability. It’s almost like being a fly on the wall, watching ourselves. Once we start to observe our thoughts we become more aware and we can then direct our minds rather than our minds direct us! We become the parent to our mind rather than its child. Then we can start to set boundaries and goals.

How many of us know that we should change our daily eating habits, set out with good intention and gradually slip back into the old ways? Lasting change and long term results involves understanding how we think and harnessing this power in a positive way.

This is why as a parent we have such huge influence over our children. We give them our thinking programmes for good or ill.

So if we want our children to be healthy, lean and vital, happy in life then we must nurture and feed, not only their bodies with the right food but their minds with the right thoughts.

Supposing your child was never given, and now is not used to drinking, plain water. How do you go about changing this programming?

Give your child the understanding as to why he or she should now do so . You can explain that all change seems unfamiliar; going to a new school, or staying overnight with a friend for the first time are examples of this. So drinking water is, to begin with, different, keep with it, you will feel better, be healthier, have clearer skin and be slimmer; it will become familiar and you will develop new positive programming, a new habit.

Your child will look to you as well, to be an example, so if you don’t drink water yourself then start too and work together, this will encourage mutual respect and build a healthy parent/child relationship.

Today’s Tip: Buy a herb plant and water it daily with your child. You only have to miss a day and it starts to wilt and if you water it in time, it will revive otherwise it will die. When we are tired it is often because we are dehydrated. Drink water and see yourself revive just like the plant!

To find out more about this and other issues and build healthy habits from the start, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is about raising our awareness and understanding our programming.

Childhood obesity is a reality.

What’s more studies done by the UK Government show that this trend is increasing fast. Predictions suggest that by 2050 one in two boys and one in five girls, aged between 6 & 7, will be obese.

Is this what we as parents want for our children? No of course not!

We all want the best for our children. Here’s how:

1. Children must avoid sugar.

2. Children must avoid empty calories in the form of crisps, fizzy drinks, white flour products and chips are these are the root cause of obesity.

3. Children must be trained from an early age to eat raw vegetables, salad and fruit.

4. Children must only eat at meal times.

5. Children will have much better health as an adult if they start life like this.

6. Children will feel good when they eat a healthy diet, they will behave well and have better relationships.

7. Children must be taught to choose positive thoughts to help them enjoy life and to get the best out of their life.

Today’s Tip: Give your baby a raw carrot or celery stick to chew on as soon as you can.

To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green BBC Breakfast 4

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is about raising our awareness and understanding our programming.

We are thinking all the time. When we start to watch ourselves thinking, we can observe each thought and see whether it is positive or negative. But there is also something else to consider – our limiting beliefs. This is only too obvious when it comes to childbirth. It is ingrained into most people’s minds that childbirth equals pain, not pleasure.

This is a limiting belief.

If a woman goes into the birthing process with this belief then, she is already creating challenges for herself. Once a woman’s body starts to pulsate, her muscles contract and relax, how she thinks and feels while this is happening, will have a huge bearing. If there is fear of pain or indeed any fear, then her body will receive a message from her brain to produce the fear hormone, adrenaline and not the birthing/love hormone, oxytocin. These two chemical messengers are antagonistic. If one is being produced the other shuts down. If her emotions swing from one to the other, then a see-saw effect occurs between these two hormones.

The result? Stalemate. The birthing process does not proceed.

Yet a woman’s body is designed in such a way that childbirth is not only pleasurable but actually orgasmic. Yet our culture very rarely considers this viewpoint. As women, we are ingrained with the limiting belief.

To change how we think about birth means removing limiting beliefs. Simple procedures, which can be done by anyone, are available from the programmes and web workshops that I run from the Birthright clinic.

Today’s Tip: Sit quietly for a few moments with a pen and paper and write down the beliefs you have about childbirth. This will give you an insight into your own unique programming.

To find out more about this and my recently published book: Wellness our Birthright, go to where you can read an extract and learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is about raising our awareness and understanding our programming.

Just as we accept gravity so we accept that we all think all the time. We not only take it for granted, we don’t even notice it, it has become so automatic.

We do not actively instruct our bodies to move, they just do. For example, if we want to switch on the TV, we press a button. We don’t actively notice that before pressing the button, we instructed our muscles to move i.e. take action.

However if we know we have a deadline to complete for work or a project, we hear a little voice inside that says “Is this the best use of your time right now?” or words to that effect.

Now we have the choice as to whether we turn on the TV or not. This is when the power of thought comes in. Power in the sense that when we become aware of our thinking, we can start to observe our thoughts. Thoughts are nothing more than passing clouds. They drift in and out of our heads. What we do with them is another thing. If we choose to pay attention to a thought, we create a feeling. If the feeling continues, it produces a certain behaviour. Equally if we let go of that thought quickly enough, no feeling is created – so no behaviour.

So the thought “turn on the TV” came into our head and then we heard the little voice “Is this the best use of your time right now?”

We could at that moment abandon the idea of watching TV and go directly to “what needs to be done” or we could allow ourselves to continue thinking about the TV creating a feeling of “I want to watch it” which then creates a felling of guilt about whether to or not.

If we are unaware of what we are doing we will probably sit there, watching TV, feeling guilty and only half enjoying it. When eventually you decide to turn it off, you may be left with a feeling of dissatisfaction but not know why.

I have used the TV as an example because I am sure all of us have had a similar experience.

Now if we become more conscious of our thoughts we increase our options of whether we feel positive or negative. This is very important during pregnancy and childbirth as how we feel and our subsequent actions is dictated by the quality of our thoughts.

Today’s Tip: Start to observe how you think, notice thoughts coming in and our of your head and see if you can try and guess what thought you are going to have next!

To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is about raising our awareness and understanding our programming.

If we undo a loose pair of trousers and let go. What happens? They fall to the ground in a heap!

We all know this is due to gravity which we accept as a "given" in our world. As babies, all of us, have thrown things from our high chairs or from our beds just to see what happens. At first it is a novelty and a "fun" game but with time we lose interest and find something else to discover. Later on in life we are taught about gravity and become more consciously aware of this phenomenon.

So with the understanding of a phenomenon that just "is", why do we not harness this energetic pull to our advantage when we are having our babies? Lying down on a bed is going to make the birth more difficult. If we had to lie down every time we took our trousers off (especially a pair of tight fitting jeans) it would be much more of a struggle!

When we start to think like this, life becomes much easier. The female body was designed to give birth easily so make your experience not only easier but joyful too.

Today’s Tip: Don’t fight gravity when you are having a baby, harness it instead. Be upright!

To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This series of blogs is about raising our awareness and understanding our programming.

What I would like to share with you is a principle based understanding that gives us huge respect for both ourselves and others.

There are certain principles in life which are just there and which we often take for granted. Take for instance, breathing. We all breathe 24/7 and never give it a second thought unless we consciously strengthen our lungs and diaphragm through meditation or exercise or because we are challenged due to illness.

Now let’s take another example of something which is happening all the time, thinking. Everyone has the ability to think, we are thinking all the time.

As a thought comes into our being, we have two choices: a) to stay with that thought or b) to let that thought go.

Thoughts make us feel good or they make us feel negative. If we think good thoughts – how do we feel? If, for example, we think about conception, pregnancy and childbirth in a positive way, we will be confident, happy and excited about the prospect of having a baby and being a parent.

If we think negative thoughts – how do we feel? If on the other hand, we negatively about conception, pregnancy and childbirth, we become despondent, depressed and upset, even overwhelmed and life gets in a tangle.

Today’s Tip: Breathe out expelling all the air. Hold for the count of two, then breathe in and again hold for the count of two. Repeat five times.

To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags:

Vivien Clere Green This week’s series of blogs are on the effects of stress in breastfeeding.

Laughter is the best antidote to stress. We know many people have cured themselves of serious illnesses including those with cancer, using laughter as a therapy.

Do you know what laughter can do to your breastmilk?

It increases your melatonin levels – the hormone that is produced at night which regulates your sleep patterns, helps your immune system and is a free radical scavenger.

So what does this mean to your baby?

According to a recent study by Hajime Kimata of Moriguchi-Keijinkai Hospital in Japan, babies with eczema and dust mite allergies had reduced allergic responses when their mothers fed them with breastmilk after watching a funny DVD. This they showed was due to the increase in melatonin levels induced by laughter.

Today’s Tip: Laugh whenever you can, never take yourself too seriously and become aware of how you can reduce stress by looking for the funny side.

To find out more about this and other issues, go to where you can read an extract and buy the book Wellness our Birthright and so learn the secret of how to give a baby the best start for life.

Vivien Signature

Posted by Vivien of The Birthright Consultancy

Natural Breastfeeding Awareness Week Natural Childbirth Trust

Vivien Clere Green is a natural health practitioner, speaker and expert covering natural health methods in pregnancy and infertility. She combines both personal and clinical experiences with extensive research, to give simple easy to read insights to help men and women to do the very best for our future children. Recognized by academics and medical practioners working in pregnancy and childbirth, Vivien has guided and assisted many parents to create the right environment for their children. For more information about Vivien’s work, and her new book Wellness Our Birthright, email Vivien or visit Vivien’s website. 43 Things Tags: , Ice Rocket Tags: , Flickr Tags: , Technorati Tags: , Del.Icio.Us Tags: